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Malay language. Available in print and as an ebook from the National Library of Singapore Singapore.

Tamil language. Available for borrowing in print or as an ebook from Singapore libraries.

Chinese language, available in print and as an ebook from the National Library of Singapore Singapore.

1st Edition ISBN: 978-0762435326 The first edition, printed on recycled material, that became an instant success, selling out its entire print run. Not since The Giving Tree or Owen and Mzee has such a simple and heartwarming tale been crafted to teach young readers about the power of friendship, adventure, and discovery. Called "a rare classic" by the national papers, The Elephant and the Tree will inspire generations of readers to love their friends and the nature they encounter.

Japanese Edition ISBN: 978-4840124430 二人は若くてまだ小 さかった。象の背中がかゆいときは木にかいてもらい、象の話すお話の中を木は自由に歩き回った。草のベットにそよそよし、大きな崖をかけ登る。象と木はとてもとても幸せだった。歌姫が共鳴した“自然破壊への警句”。日本初カーボンパス付エコブック。

Traditional Chinese Edition ISBN: 978-9861891736 象與樹是好朋友,牠們從小就一起長大,一起玩耍,一起過著快樂的生活。可是有一天,人類來了,他們建立了村莊,開始住了下來...象與森林的關係是密不可分的。森林被大量砍伐、消失,對象來說就是與「死亡」畫上等號。森林對人類來說,或許只是扮演居住環境中負責生產作物、畜牧動物的其中一環,但對需要大量飲水食物的象來說,森林是牠們賴以生存的唯一的場所。為了發展觀光而利用象,或許讓人覺得是件對兩者都有利的事,但說到底還是以人類利益為出發點。過度的勞動、惡劣的環境、飢餓、殘酷的訓練是所有工作象所面臨的問題,且不管亞洲象瀕臨絕種的問題,將象視為「可馴養的賺錢工具」,就是使象的亂捕日益嚴重的主因。只因為人類喜愛象,想要跟象接觸,就亂捕象,帶牠離開自然的環境,其實是一種錯誤的作法。真正能了解象、接觸象的方法,應該是直接到自然之中,實地去觀察牠們的行為。 本書作者李金苹以象做第一人稱,用單純的像孩子般天真的口氣寫下這個故事,希望能讓更多人去體會人類對被捕獲的象,亞洲野生動物,以及自然的傷害有多麼的可怕。

Spanish Edition ISBN: 978-8492595921 En este encantador y emotivo cuento, un joven elefante y un pequeño árbol se hacen buenos amigos. Mientras crecen, exploran el bosque que consideran su hogar. Sin embargo, ambos descubren que la vida es impredecible y puede provocar grandes problemas. A pesar de las circunstancias, aprenden que la amistad es capaz de superar un sinfín de obstáculos. Las sencillas ilustraciones captan la atención de los jóvenes lectores a medida que aprenden verdades.

ISBN: 978-1905636204 One hundred years ago, Rudyard Kipling wrote the internationally acclaimed Just So Stories. Then, rhino numbers stood at around 65,000. Today, fewer than 3,000 black rhinos survive. The same tragic story goes for too many other animals. Now international authors have gathered to contribute exclusive new stories inspired by Kipling's original volume, focussing on the animals we need to protect today. Sales proceeds are donated to WildAid.

ISBN: 978-0992436209 Take fourteen popular children's authors from Australia and Singapore. Add one universal theme - Family. Let the show begin. Near & Dear carries the reader into a world of fun and adventure. It shows 21st Century children at the heart of an unstable universe. They dream and make mischief, and they deal with loss, boredom, disability and unpleasant truth. Near & Dear is a cross-cultural feast for the young readers.